Pet Licensing


Pet Licensing in Bayfield

Per Bayfield Municipal Code, all dogs residing in Town limits must have current rabies vaccinations and be licensed with the Town of Bayfield. Vaccinating and licensing dogs provides protection for owners, pets, and neighbors. Cats are not required to be licensed, but may be if desired.

Bayfield also encourages pet owners whose pets routinely visit Town parks or in-town friends and family to also license with the Town. 

Benefits of Licensing

  • Found pets can be more readily returned home.
  • Law enforcement and animal control can quickly determine if a pet is at risk of contracting or transmitting rabies.
  • Cost of licensing is $3 per pet versus potential ticketing and impound fees of $180 or more.

Licensing Application

For each pet, please complete the Pet License Application, attach a copy of a current rabies vaccine certificate from a licensed veterinarian, and include the license fee of $3 per pet to Town Hall.

Any property housing more than three dogs or cats must also apply for a kennel license.